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Complete the sentences: 1. The boy was p_________ to the fourth grade. 2. He was a __________ mayor of the city. 3. I c _________ we’ll be in time. 4. He a _________ his wife and child. 5. We need more books to satisfy the a _____ of young people for literature. 6. He was the first to move crops from one continent to another on a large s ______ . 7. Men in the office ________ mail according to places where it is to go. 8.Building the road will _______ the construction of the ten bridges. 11.She is only twelve years old, she has not the _____________(身份证). 12. They followed the usual __________ (程序) 13. He is good at managing his __________(企业). 14. The principal’s ___________ (露面) at the party didn’t seem to be very welcome. 15. We hope for a lasting ____________ (解决)of all these troubles. 1.Saving money year after year ,his parents put together enough money to pay for his living expenses. 2.Bookshops across the country invited the author to sign his new novel ,hoping to push it. 3.Can you work out the cost if we stay in Europe for a couple of weeks ? 4.After 15 days it was decided to stop the search for people who might have survived the coal mine accident. 5.Unlike other officials, the mayors of the country’s major cities are chosen by the government. 6.To open a bank account here, you should show them an evidence of identity such as a passport or a driver’s license. 7. Despite all the fame Tom Hanks has gained as a movie star, he has a great desire for further success in his career. 8. At her grandparents’ , Anna was offered a small, but warm and comfortable room. 9. Few of the younger students have the special right to use the professor’s private library. Exercise of the Language points 1. He ____ to escape from the prison, but he couldn’t find anybody to help him. A. succeeded B. attempted C. advised D. offered 2. In the botanic garden we can find a(an) ____ of plants that range from tall trees to small flowers. A.


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