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(湖北专用)高考英语二轮复习 选择题和非选择题灵活拆组卷(四)选择题专练卷.doc

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(湖北专用)高考英语二轮复习 选择题和非选择题灵活拆组卷(四)选择题专练卷.doc

选择题和非选择题灵活拆组卷?四? 选择题专练卷(共4页,满分70分) .多项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 1.(2014·襄阳五中适应性考试一)So accustomed are most of us to the ________ of success with money that the thought of giving up a good salary seemed to be a little bit insane. A.presentation       B.comparison C.association D.communication 2.(2014·武汉2月调研)With international ________ and education exchanges increasing every year, the number of Chinese students studying abroad has increased rapidly. A.cooperation B.competition C.construction D.conflict 3.(2014·荆州高三质检一)Chinese tourists on average are spending more and more on overseas shopping. High taxes on luxury goods in China make shopping in Britain attractive — where the goods are ________ to be genuine. A.guaranteed B.doubted C.measured D.observed 4.(2014·襄阳高三调研)Our governments plan to fight against air pollution will focus on ________ information and handling PM2.5. A.expressing B.representing C.gathering D.acknowledging 5.(2014·武汉高三5月模拟)WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was in court today, and when asked for his address he said he didn’t want to ________ that information. A.give out B.keep out C.hold out D.bring out 6.(2014·襄阳五中适应性考试一)The state shall gradually improve various systems for the protection of the rights and interests of women and ________ sex discrimination in employment, by rules and regulations, to promote equal employment between men and women. A.leave out B.block out C.wipe out D.make out 7.(2014·荆州高三质检一)Like other ________ sports, jumping down from a balloon at a height of 40,000 meters is dangerous and involves many uncontrollable variables. A.active B.frequent C.extreme D.passive 8.(2014·荆州高三质检一)Having witnessed that some missed calls (判罚) by referees actually affected the outcome of games, football fans for years have called for the introduction of video replays to allow referees to review ________ calls. A.fundamental B.controversial C.flexible D.conventional 9.(2014·襄阳高三调研)H7N9, the latest variant




