毕业论文 略论《诗经》情诗中的女性形象.doc

毕业论文 略论《诗经》情诗中的女性形象.doc

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略论《诗经》情诗中的女性形象 【摘要】《诗经》的产生正处在我国由奴隶社会逐渐向封建社会过渡的时期,《诗经》是我国最早的一部诗歌总集,奠定了我国诗歌的优良传统开中国文学之滥觞它不仅具有鲜明的时代特征,还拥有超越时代的永恒的美学价值与艺术魅力它对中国社会的影响,已经远远超出文学的范畴。它以其丰富的文化内容、广泛的创作题材和完美的艺术形式,向我们生动地展示了殷周社会各种生活画卷。它塑造了丰富多彩的女性形象这些诗主题的揭示主要是通过对一系列女性形象的刻画来完成的我们从中可以体会那个时代女性对待情感、婚姻、生活的基本态度,了解夫权文化背景下女性在婚姻家庭中所遭受的精神痛苦与情感奴役、地位低下的真实境况,进而理解中国女性在漫长的历史发展进程中为争取平等与自由所做出的奋争与牺牲。随着封建宗法制度的逐渐确立,社会生活的各个方面发生了巨大变化,而这些,在诗经作品丰富的女性形象演变中具体体现了出来。 ?【关键词】诗经 爱情诗 情感 艺术魅力 女性形象brief discuss on the female images of the love poems of the Book of Songs 【summary】 Book of Songs is produced in China during the gradual transition period from slave society to feudal society, the Book of Songs is the earliest poetic collection , which laid a fine tradition of Chinese poetry. It marks the beginning of Chinese literature ; it not only has striking characteristics of the times, also has the eternal aesthetic value and artistic charm beyond the age, its influence in Chinese society has gone far beyond the category of literature. With its rich cultural content, a wide range of creative themes and perfect artistic form, it gives us a vivid picture of the Yin and Zhou dynasties . It shaped colorful images of women , the revelation of the main themes of these poems is completed through the characterization of a series of images of women , we can realize the women ‘s basic attitude towards feeling treated, marriage and life , we can also understand the real situation of mental anguish ,emotional slaveryand low status suffered in women in marriage under the background of manus culture, and then understand the struggles and sacrifices of Chinese women in the long history of the development process of fighting for equality and freedom Later, with the gradual establishment of the feudal patriarchal clan system, all aspects of social life had changed dramatically, and these, the colour female images in the Book had a concrete embodiment in the evolution . 【 key words 】 Book of Songs love poem feeli



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