新课标高考英语必修一Unit1 单元检测试卷及答案.doc

新课标高考英语必修一Unit1 单元检测试卷及答案.doc

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Unit1 测试题 第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 21. Mr Green was made ____ general manager of the company last week. Look, ____ new manager is coming! A. a; the B. a; 不填 C. the; 不填 D. 不填; the 22. — Would you like me to get you a ticket for A Date With Lu Yu? ____. A. Yes, but I can do it B. No, thank you. I have got one C. Sorry to hear that D. Help me right now 23. Your little sister is so full of ____ that she can continue to dance and sing for long hours. A. force B. power C. strength D. energy 24. As far as I’m ____, he is unfit for the job. A. concerning B. concerned C. concern D. to concern 25. The boss of the company had ____ his friend’s advice, which led to the failure of his business. A. disliked B. suffered C. ignored D. discussed 26. She was so excited that it took us an hour and a half to ____ her ____. A. calm; down B. put; down C. bring; down D. turn; down 27. — Do you dare ____ say “no” to your boss? Sure. You dare not ____ say “no” but I dare. A. to; 不填 B. 不填; to; C. have; to D. to; to; 28. The students asked ____. A. when is the sports meeting going to be held B. when the sports meeting is going to be held C. if was the sports meeting going to be held D. if the sports meeting was going to be held 29. — What has made Mary so ____? She lost her new bicycle. A. worrying B. troublesome C. upset D. excited 30. In warm countries, many people have their houses made almost ____ of bamboo: the walls, the roofs and the floors. A. practically B. possibly C. entirely D. exactly 31. Bless your heart. I know you didn’t break the vase ____. Don’t cry! A. on purpose B. in fact C. in general D. by mistake 32. To our surprise, there were a n ____ of advertising boards at the gate of the meeting. A. series B. lots C. plenty D. amount 33. Although Xiao Shenyang has become very famous, people can still find him easy to ____. A. get along B. get through wi



