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R字母短语1 reduce to 减少到 reduce by 减少了 refer to 谈论,查阅,涉及,适用 regard …as 看作 regardless of 不管 regret to do 遗憾的作某事 regret doing 后悔做过某事 much to one’s regret 非常令某人遗憾的是 take regular exercise 经常锻炼 in relation to 关于 R字母短语2 to one’s relief 另某人松一口气 rely on 依靠,信赖 remain to be done 有待于被。。。 remember to do 记着去做 remember doing 记得已作过 remind sb to do 提醒某人做某事 remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事 have sth. repaired 让某物被修 beyond repair 无法修复 It is reported …据报道 R字母短语3 earn one’s reputation 赢得名望 rescue sb. from danger 营救某人 be responsible for 负责 have a rest 休息一下 as a result of 结果 result in 导致…的结果 result from 是由于 in return 作为回报 return to normal 恢复正常 return sth to sb 把某物归还某人 R字母短语4 get rid of 除掉,去掉 human right 人权 That’s right 对 That’s all right 没关系 ring sb up 给某人打电话 a wedding ring 结婚戒指 The sun rises in the east . risk doing 冒险做某事 All roads lead to Rome. rob sb of sth 抢夺某人某物 R字母短语5 play an important role in the leading role 主角 make room for 腾地方 rough time/road/hair /weather / temper/idea be rude to sb. 对某人粗鲁 in ruins 成为废墟 The bad weather ruined our trip. on sale 销价出售 run a company 经营公司 run after 追求,追赶 S字母短语6 run out of 用完,耗尽 rush hour 上下班高峰期 the same as 相同 Thank you all the same. 同样感谢你 at the same time 同时 to one’s satisfaction 令某人满意的是 satisfy one’s need 满足某人的需要 be satisfied with 感到满意 save a boy /some time /some money as the saying goes 正如谚语所说 S字母短语7 go to school 去上学 at school 在上学 leave school 毕业 on the scene 在现场 scold sb for sth 因某事责骂某人 scores of people 许多人 three score of eggs 60 个蛋 at sea 在海上 by sea 乘船 by the sea 在海边 S字母短语8 take one’s seat 就座 Every second counts. 分秒必争 a second time 再一次 learn a second language 学一门外语 in search of 寻找 keep a secret 必威体育官网网址 in secret 秘密地 see sb off 为某人送行 see sb do /doing see a film 看电影 S字母短语9 It seems that/as if ….看起来好像。。。 There seems to be … 。。。好像有 sb seems to be/have done /be doing seize the chance 抓住机会 seize sb by the arm 抓住某人胳膊 seldom if ever 极少 Seldom can I see him . sell out 卖完 Eggs are sold by the dozen./in dozens / by weight. send for 派人去请




