2012 西安高新一中模拟卷 已排好版 无需修改 直接打印(A4).doc

2012 西安高新一中模拟卷 已排好版 无需修改 直接打印(A4).doc

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答 案 听力:略 21-25ABBCB 26-30BABCD 31-35ADCBA 36-40DCCDC 41-45BCADC 46-50BABCA 51-55BABBA 56-60ABDCD 61-65ABDBA 66 how long you have had 67 be full of confidence 68 how to communicate with others 69 getting/becoming more and more important 70 should obey the rules 71 is encouraging thousands of teenagers 72 will be like in ten years 73 will not be realized/ will not come true 74 without teachers’ permission 75 as many as possible 76 their 77 westerners 78 was 79 to find 80 surprising 81 seeing 82 to get 83 Perhaps 84 more 85 reading 86 Peter T. Smith 87 A caterpillar 88 He set the moth free. 89 wanted to stay in 90 move on to experience 91-95EGADC 96 Who is that? 97 I was/went out yesterday. 98 What did you call me for? 99 Sorry, I’m afraid I can’t . 100 Wish you a nice trip. 作文:略。 2012 西安高新一中中考模拟卷 第 1 页 共 6 页


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