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The Functions of Corporate Culture to Corporate Development 企业文化对企业发展的作用 Abstract A nations development needs the support of its spirit, while a corporation needs spiritual and cultural ideas to guide its operations and development. The cultural ideas of a corporate are very important and can effectively avoid the market and industry risks. Without cultural ideas, the corporation would lack of its soul and direction, to let alone, its development. In a knowledge-based economy era, the role of corporate culture is very important. This paper lays out the corporate culture’s definition, content and characteristics first and then from the corporate culture of corporation, the author demonstrates cultural influence on the core competitiveness of the corporation, and this promotes the sustainable growth of the corporation and the function in the competition for its talents. The author of the paper combines several cases to prove the role of corporate culture in the corporation development. In todays society, as market competition intensifies, corporations face not only the visible strength competition of capital, technology and equipment, but also a deeper level of corporate culture competition. The author hopes that this paper can help those people who haven’t a clear understanding of corporate culture will pay more attention to corporate culture. Key Words Corporation; Corporate Culture; Function; Methods 摘 要 一个民族的发展需要一种民族精神作为支撑,一个企业同样需要一种精神和文化理念来指导自己的运营与发展,给企业一个准确的“定位”,从而有效规避市场和行业风险。如果没有文化理念的支撑,那么企业就等于没有“灵魂”,就失去方向,更谈不上发展。在知识经济的时代,企业文化的作用非常重大。本文首先从企业文化的定义、内涵和特点等方面认识企业文化,接着从企业文化对企业核心竞争力影响、促使企业可持续成长以及企业文化在人才争夺战中的作用等几个方面,并结合实例来论证企业文化在企业发展中的作用。 在当今社会中,随着市场竞争的加剧,企业面对的不仅仅是资金,技术,设备等有形实力的竞争,更体现在深层次上的企业文化的竞争,所以,本文旨在唤起人们对企业文化建设重要性的认识,从而更加重视企业文化建设。 关键词 企业;企业文化:作用; 方法 Introduction A nations development needs the support of a nations spirit. A corporation also needs spiritual and cultural ideas to guide its operations and development, and it also needs accurate “positioning” wh


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