英语:必修5 Module6 Animals in Danger全单元课件2(外研版).pptVIP

英语:必修5 Module6 Animals in Danger全单元课件2(外研版).ppt

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* 授课思路说明: 导入: 用熊猫西伯利亚虎和藏羚羊引出珍稀动物. (1-2幻灯) . 进而说明珍稀动物濒临灭绝(3-4幻灯). 接着说明许多人为保护动物而献出生命(5-7幻灯).最后点一下电影”可可西里”是一部反映保护藏羚羊的影片.(8幻灯). 学习本课生词. 先展示左边生词领读记忆,然后展示右边的解释让学生连线以检查掌握情况.(11幻灯). 浅层次理解课文. 先提出问题让学生带着问题听录音,听完后给出问题的答案.(12幻灯) 深层次理解课文. 让学生自己朗读课文,然后做判断正误和填空,本填空是文章大意的浓缩,学生做的过程也是加深课文理解的过程同时也为后面的复述奠定了基础.要求学生注意划线数字.(13-14幻灯). 复述课文. 要求学生脱离课本, 根据数字用自己的语言叙述故事.(15幻灯). 讨论. 根据所学知识结合当先形式就我们应该为保护动物做些什么展开讨论.(16幻灯). 作业布置.(17幻灯). The Siberian tiger The giant panda The Tibetan antelopes The skins of the Tibetan antelopes Ashes of millions of antelopes The protectors of the Tibetan antelopes The struggles between the protectors and poachers Many protectors died for protecting the Tibetan antelopes Saving the Antelopes to our class 1.poacher n 2.antelope n 3.survive vi 4.shawl n 5.habitat n 6.confiscate vt a piece of cloth people wear on their shoulders. B. a type of animal. C. continuing to live D. the place where an animal lives naturally E. taken away officially F. one who hunts or fishes illegally on the property of another. Is the number of the Tibetan antelope increasing or decreasing? Why? 1.The effort of the Chinese government 2.The help of the volunteers from all over the country 3.The international co-operation Increasing (点左上角的喇叭图标播放课文录音.) 1.Jiesang gave his life to save the Tibetan antelope. 2.A large number of antelopes have been killed for their meat. 3.The business of antelope wool is illegal but it is easy to be stopped. 4.The Chinese government began to take an active part in protecting the antelopes. 5.Little progress has been made in protecting the antelopes. T T F F F *


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