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子曰:“学而时习之,不亦说乎?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?人不知而不悦,不亦君子乎?”? ? Confucius said: Isn’t it a pleasure to study and practice what you have learned? Isn’t it also great when friends visit from distant places? If people do not recognize me and it doesn’t bother me, am I not a Superior Man? ? 子曰:“不患人之不己知, 患不知人也。”? Confucius said: I am not bothered by the fact that I am unknown. I am bothered when I do not know others. 子曰:“吾十有五而志于学, 三十而立, 四十而不惑, 五十而知天命, 六十而耳顺, 七十而从心所欲, 不踰矩。”? ? Confucius said: At fifteen my heart was set on learning; at thirty I stood firm; at forty I had no more doubts; at fifty I knew the mandate of heaven; at sixty my ear was obedient; at seventy I could follow my heart’s desire without transgressing the norm. 子曰:“学而不思则闰;思而不学则殆。”? ? Confucius said: Reviewing what you have learned and learning anew, you are fit to be a teacher. 子曰:“君子不器。”? ? Confucius said: The Superior Man is not a utensil. 子曰:“由,诲女知之乎!知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。”? ? Confucius said: Yu, shall I teach you about knowledge? What you know, you know, what you don’t know, you don’t know. This is knowledge. 子曰:“人而不仁, 如礼何。人而不仁, 如乐何”? ? Confucius said: If a man has no humaneness what can his propriety be like? If a man has no humaneness what can his music be like? 子曰:“人之过也, 各于其党。观过, 斯知仁矣。”? ? Confucius said: People err according to their own level. It is by observing a person’s mistakes that you can know his/her goodness. 子曰:“君子喻于义, 小人喻于利。”? ? Confucius said: The Superior Man is aware of Rightness, the inferior man is aware of advantage. * * The Analects of Confucius



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