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科 毕 业 论 文 论达尔文主义影响下《野性的呼唤》中 杰克伦敦的生存法则 学 院 外国语学院 专 业 英语教育 年 级 2004 级 学 号 222004307051284 姓 名 廖仙霞 指 导 教 师 孙 太 成 绩 八年四月 A Study of Jack Londons Principle of Survival Under the Influence of Darwinism in The Call of the Wild Liao X ianxia Supervisor Sun Tai A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulf illment of the Requirements f or the Degree of B. A. in English SCHOOL OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES SOUTHWEST UNIVERSITY April, 2008 Acknowledgements On the completion of this paper, I would like to acknowledge my supervisor, Mr. Sun, whose advice, assistance and encouragement helped me finish this paper more efficiently. He was always patient to communicate with me about my paper and helped me revise this paper. With the help of his useful and detailed suggestions could improve this paper. Besides that, my gratitude also goes to the teachers in the School of Foreign Languages., who gave me so many valuable instructions and equipped me with so many inspirations and encouragements during the fours years study, especially Professor Liu Chengyu, Professor Jia Zhigao, and Professor Wang Yongmei and so on. What s more, I want to express my thanks to my dear friends and beloved parents, who helped me a lot, especially my roommates. We often discuss our papers and give each other advice and encouragement. It is really a great support and assistance f



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