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吉 林 大 学 教 师 教 案 (2005 ~2006 学年第 2 学期) 课程名称:大学英语 年 级:2005级 教 研 室:第十教研室 任课教师:皇丽萍 吉林大学教务处制 教 案 课程名称: 授课教师 Huangliping 授课对象 Freshman 授课时间 6 periods 授课题目 Unit Two The Richest Man in America , Down Home 课 型 Integrated course 使用教具 Tape Recorder 教学目的 Conduct a series of reading, listening , speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. 教学重点和难点 grasp the main idea and structure of the text; Appreciate the use of indirect description in portraying a person; 3. Grasp the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. 参考教材 教学内容 时间分配及备注 Pre-reading tasks T invites several Ss to tell the stories and news reports of rich people (Ss are asked to collect them before class) Ss listen to the recorded passage about Abraham Lincoln, and bear the following questions in mind : -- What happened to Abraham Lincoln one day? (working as a shop clerk , he overcharged a customer. Although the sum was insignificant, Lincoln walked a long distance to return the money.) -- How is the story related to the theme of the unit –values? (Abraham Lincoln regarded honesty as an important value ) Ss do Cloze B in after –text exercises to learn more about the values of American millionaires. T guides Ss into the Unit Two and asks Ss to focus on the theme of the Unit – values T reminds Ss to keep the values in mind when they study Text A, and see whether Sam Walton cherishes them of not. While-reading tasks Text Organization 1. T asks Ss to scan the text to see if there is any natural dividing lines separating it into parts. (The text can be divided into three parts. Between each part, there is a blank line) 2. T draws Ss’ attention to Text Organization Exercise 2, guides them through the directions , so that they can grasp the main function of each part. 3. Ss scan the text again to underline all the names mentioned and tell who these persons are; . They are : Tammie Beaulieu , Waiter at Sam Walton’s birthday party etc. 4



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