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温州市农村初中英语 四项教学常规 温州市农村初中英语四项达标活动讲师团 董巧云 一堂好课的标准 目标明确 内容正确 方法得当 组织有效 体验积极 --王道俊、王汉澜著, 《教育学》,人民教育出版社1999 Input-INTAKE-output Input processing; Patten(1993): 1. Present one thing at a time; 2. Keep meaning in focus; 3. Move form sentence to connected discourse 4. Use both oral and written input; 5. Have the learner “do” something with the input; 6. Keep the learner’s processing strategies in mind 有效参与的教学活动 学生有明确的学习动机, 参与的活动具有交际性, 通过活动收到明显的学习效果, 通过活动培养了学生自主学习的能力, 活动能调动学生的学习积极性。 EFFECTIVE,EFFICIENT Who is learning the language? What do they want to learn? Where are they learning it? How are they learning? 温州市农村初中英语 四项教学常规——上课 温州市农村初中英语四项达标活动讲师团 董巧云 We are living in information age. There are over 2.7 billion searches performed on Google each month. There are about 540,000 words in the English language . . . Going global “The future of English lies in the hands of the Chinese and Indians.” English Next-David Gradoll ---English as an international language, as a lingua Franca,the implication:more learners,more varieties,learning for international communication, not to become native; ---information era has made English one of the basic skills for social and personal development; English as the No.1 Foreign Language Chinese population: 1.3 billion in the year of 2006, among them, there are: over 100 million primary school pupils; over 80 million junior high students; over 24 million senior high students; over 20 million college students. Most of them are learning a foreign language--- in most of the cases--- English. So there are estimated 200 million learners of English in schools and many more in society. 教师对学生课堂表现的反思 什么问题最能激起学生的兴趣? 在什么情况下,学生最有学习的激情? 学生是怎样开始学习的? 成效怎样? 学生表现出合作的欲望吗?合作的效果又如何? 从学生的反应看,我把握住了哪些问题?没把握住的又是什么? 预设性问题进展顺利吗? 课堂上有哪些有代表性的生成性问题?这些问题是在什么情况下发生的?我又是怎样引导的? 影响课堂教学效果的教师个人因素 教师形象 教学基本功 教师个人的教学理念 教师的人格魅力 教师形象 仪表端庄 穿着得体 举止大方 讲究师容风貌 教学基本功 英语口语 表达能力 板书 多媒体运用能力 应变能力 初中英语教师的英语口语 示范作用 与学生的交



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