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其他常用字体 School leaders attaches great importance to graduate education of ideological and political theory course teaching work, secretary of the party committee province for the BBS of academic committee, President of BBS proposed requirements and hope, and points out that this is a very good form and beneficial explorationandhopeitwillcontinue.WangZongMinviceprincipal, attendedtheopeningceremonyand academicpointsBBSspeech. MV Boli MV Boli (MMVV BBoollii ) He said, this BBS is in our school actively promote the graduate student ideological and political theory course teaching reform, graduate innovative education plan further implementation of background. Around the course content and the ideological and political education for doctoral requirements established hosting academic BBS theme, the vast number of graduate students from world outlook, epistemology and methodology, starting from the macroscopic and microscopic from multiple perspectives, such as study, with philosophy thinking guidance of scientific research, especially around Ph.D. Thesis writing learn to refine philosophy properties of small paper, and to promote the graduate students philosophical speculation the ability and the innovation ability. segoe print (segoe print) sseeggooee pprriinntt School leaders attaches great importance to graduate education of ideological and political theory course teaching work, secretary of the party committee province for the BBS of academic committee, President of BBS proposed requirements and hope, and points out



