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Odie. You came out here to be with me? Im touched And you must be touched in the head! Bring out the dog, Bring in the cat See ya in the morning little fella You know, a puppy needs a little tough-love, every now and then. I think it builds character. Hello Pookey - miss me? Yknow what: Im going to make it up to Odie tomorrow. Im going to teach him how to drink out of the toilet. Poor Odie. That cat is such a pig. Garfields a pig? You never put the dog out at night Why not? Because dogs run away. Sure Jon, Ill eat all your lasagne for you... Oh look, what do we have here.... Youre a lost dog. Well, we can fix that. Oh, do I feel good this morning. I slept like a fat cat Hey tall dark and human, Whats for breakfast? Odie! Where are you boy? Relax, I think he was gonna camp out Odie? Well, he probably had a sleep over at Lucas, I think.... Odie? Maybe hes fetching the paper for the neighbours? Where is that silly dog? I cant go on like this any more Wendel. Ive got to get a dog. I think thats a lovely idea. I know youve been sad and lonely since the divorce and Ive tried to be your friend... Not for me, you imbecile, for the act. If I could get my hands on a really talented dog. Walter J. just choke on his Emmy Like Odie? Yeah Yeah now he was good. Oh yeah Yknow he was kindy dopey-looking and spry and... Lost? Hi, its Jon. I was just calling to see if Odies been over there. I cant find him around. My name is Jon Arbuckle... ...and I cant find my dog. Ive looked all around the neighbourhood, and I cant seem to find him. He was home last night, but I havent seen him this morning.... if you see him, give me a call please. Hi its Jon, I was calling to see if youd seen Odie, I think hes run away. I was giving him a bath last night, and I forgot to put his collar back on. Because Garfield hates his collar. Hes about 15 pounds, hes brownish yellow with big floppy ears.... Would you mind getting that? Im offering a reward. Yes, thats right. And he answers to the name of.... S




